Case study


A device providing reliable medical data for remote diagnosis

what we did


To provide good quality diagnosis remotely with high-quality medical data available from anywhere in the world without having to physically come into the doctor’s office.


Higo ecosystem

Three different solutions integrated in one system:

Higo Family - For children, parents, and seniors. Higo can be used to easily examine anyone. A remote diagnosis based on collected medical data can be received in under an hour.

Higo Pro - Support for professionals in the medical and healthcare industry. Higo Pro supports medical personnel at their place of work. It improves the medical workflow in hospitals, private offices, schools, preschools and nurseries, as well as community medical care and during home visits.

Higo Med - A telemedical service from HigoMed Ltd. specifically for companies and institutions, both those that provide medical services and hire physicians and those outside the medical industry with no dedicated medical staff.


Higo® provides reliable medical data for remote diagnosis

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